block size wars

Bitcoin Culture

What’s Blocksize War?

The block size war refers to a contentious debate in the Bitcoin community in 2017 over the appropriate block size limit for the Bitcoin blockchain. The block size limit determines the maximum amount of data that can be included in each block of transactions on … Read further

bitcoin film festival


Bitcoin FilmFest 2023 – Warsaw, Poland

The world’s first Bitcoin Film Festival will be held in Warsaw, Poland, from March 24th to March 26th, 2023, to commemorate the intersection of bitcoin and film. The festival will include hand-picked movie collection, speeches, Q&A sessions with filmmakers, and workshops. The venue for the … Read further

what is LNURL

Bitcoin Tech

What’s LNURL?

LNURL is a standard protocol for Lightning Network-based bitcoin payments that enables users to interact with Lightning-enabled services via simple and easy-to-use URLs. These URLs are encrypted with cryptographic data, allowing for secure and efficient communication between the user’s Lightning bitcoin wallet and the Lightning … Read further

Politicians supporting crypto

Bitcoin Culture

Politicians Supporting Bitcoin Around The World

In recent years, Bitcoin has gained significant traction and widespread adoption, attracting not only investors and entrepreneurs but also politicians, policymakers, and everyday people. This article aims to explore various politicians around the world who have expressed support for Bitcoin and delve into the reasons … Read further

lightning nodes in africa


Africa Free Routing: Lightning Nodes in Africa

The Africa Free Routing initiative is a non-profit Bitcoin Lightning node run by African Bitcoiners with the objective of positioning Africa as a prominent player in the lightning payments landscape. The profits generated from operating lightning nodes will be channeled towards advancing Bitcoin education in … Read further

buy vpn with crypto

Bitcoin, Privacy

Pay for a VPN With Bitcoin

VPN is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Network. It is a service that allows you to connect to the internet securely while also protecting your online privacy and security by establishing an encrypted tunnel between your device and the VPN server. When you connect to … Read further


Bitcoin Tech

What’s SegWit?

What is a SegWit address? Segregated Witness, or SegWit, is a proposed solution to the Bitcoin network’s scalability problem. It is a Bitcoin address that separates transaction data from signature data (witness data), making transactions smaller and fitting more into each block. SegWit addresses emerged … Read further

whats coinjoin

Bitcoin, Privacy

CoinJoin Explained

CoinJoin is a technique used as a bitcoin anonymizer to enhance transaction privacy. It was first proposed in 2013 by Bitcoin developer Greg Maxwell as a way to improve Bitcoin users’ privacy. CoinJoin operates by combining several bitcoin transactions into a single transaction. This makes … Read further

bitcoin self custody

Bitcoin, Bitcoin Security

What’s Are Self-Custody Wallets?

Bitcoin self-custody is the act of individuals directly holding their own bitcoin without the use of custodial wallets or intermediaries such as exchanges or other third-party services. This enables you to have complete control and responsibility over your bitcoin by securely storing in a self-custodial … Read further

lightning network

Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning

What’s Lightning Network?

The Lightning Network is a bitcoin payment technology that runs on top of a blockchain. It is intended to allow for quick, low-cost, and private Bitcoin transactions between participating nodes. The Lightning Network’s basic premise is to allow users to create off-chain payment channels between … Read further

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