Mash: Platform to Monetize Content With Bitcoin

Mash is a new and innovative way for both publishers and creators to monetize media with bitcoin.



Mash is a revolutionary platform that enables publishers and content creators to monetize their media using Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help generate revenue, engage audiences, and foster stronger relationships.

Key Features

Mash platform offers a number of benefits through the following features:

  • Reactions: Allow users to express their emotions and provide feedback on content with a single click. Publishers can earn revenue by charging a small fee per Reaction.
  • Multiplayer Reactions: Enable users to react to content in real-time with other users.
  • Rewards: Incentivize users by giving them small amounts of Bitcoin for engaging with your content, watching ads, sharing content on social media, and performing other actions. Rewards can be funded directly or sponsored by advertisers.
  • Content Monetization: Charge users small amounts of Bitcoin as they consume your content.
  • Fans & Community: Create a community around your content, where fans can interact with each other and with you. Monetization options include offering exclusive content, gated forums, and merchandise sales within these communities.
  • Bitcoin Wallet: Mash equips users with a Bitcoin wallet for easy sending and receiving of Bitcoin. The wallet that requires no download.
  • Embedded Wallet: Publishers can embed the Mash wallet directly into their websites, allowing users to send and receive Bitcoin without leaving the site.

To start using the Mash platform, simply visit the Mash website and create an account. Once you have created an account, you can start adding Mash features to your website or content. Mash offers a variety of features, so you can choose the ones that make the most sense for your business.

Once you have added Mash features to your website or content, you can start generating revenue. Mash offers a variety of monetization options, so you can choose the one that works best for you.

Mash Fees

Donations & BoostsFirst $2500 of donations – No chargeAfter $2500 – 5% fee
MonetizationFirst $2500 – No chargeAfter $2500 – 5% fee on earnings
PartnershipsSelect partners – Additional development support, bespoke offerings, or launch partnership for new experiences

Specific examples of how Mash can be used to monetize media:

  • A news publisher could charge a small fee per Reaction to articles, and then distribute a portion of that revenue to the authors of the articles.
  • A podcast host could offer exclusive episodes to fans who support them through Mash.
  • A YouTuber could create a gated forum for their fans to discuss videos and interact with each other.
  • A musician could sell merchandise and digital downloads through their Mash profile.
  • A blogger could offer paid subscriptions to their newsletter through Mash.

Mash App: Earn Bitcoin With Content

Mash is a new and innovative way to monetize media, and it has the potential to benefit both publishers and creators. Publishers can use Mash to generate more revenue, engage their audiences more effectively, and build stronger relationships with their fans. Creators can use Mash to monetize their content in new ways and build a more sustainable career.

Additional information

Bitcoin Only

QR Code

Lightning Network

Supported Countries


Made in


Year Launched



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