What Nostr Has to Do With Bitcoin

What is Nostr Bitcoin?

Nostr (Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays) (pronounced “noster”) is a decentralized protocol designed to enable secure, censorship-resistant communication. It operates on a simple yet effective model, where users publish notes and other content to a network of relays, which then distribute this content to other users.

Unlike traditional messaging platforms, Nostr operates on a p2p (peer-to-peer) network, allowing users to communicate directly with each other without relying on centralized servers. This unique architecture ensures that messages are secure and can’t be censored or intercepted by third parties.

Nostr aims to provide a decentralized alternative to traditional social media platforms and communication tools by leveraging cryptographic techniques and decentralized relays to ensure freedom of expression and privacy.

How Nostr Works

Nostr’s architecture is based on public and private key pairs. Users create a public key, which serves as their identity on the network, and a private key, which is used to sign their messages. When a user posts a message, it is signed with their private key and broadcast to multiple relays. These relays store the message and forward it to any users who have subscribed to the original poster’s content. This setup ensures that no single entity has control over the network, making it resilient to censorship and interference.

The core concept of Nostr is simple: it uses a distributed network of nodes to propagate messages between users. Each node acts as both a sender and receiver, meaning there’s no need for intermediaries like traditional messaging apps. Users interact with the protocol using a public key and a private message, which are encrypted and decrypted on the user’s device.

What is Nostr Used For?

Nostr is primarily used for decentralized communication and social networking. It allows users to post messages, share updates, and interact with others without relying on centralized platforms or intermediaries. The protocol supports a variety of use cases and features, including:

  • Decentralized Social Media: Users can create and follow accounts, share updates, and engage in discussions without being subject to the policies and restrictions of traditional social media platforms.
  • Private Messaging: Nostr enables secure, peer-to-peer messaging where only the intended recipients can read the messages.
  • Censorship Resistant: Nostr’s decentralized nature makes it difficult for any entity to censor or control user activity, ensuring freedom of speech and expression.
  • Content Distribution: Users can publish content to multiple relays, ensuring it remains accessible even if some relays go offline or are taken down.
  • Micropayments: Nostr enables instant, low-cost micropayments between users. This opens up new opportunities for content creators to monetize their work directly from fans through zaps (small, instant payments made using the Lightning Network).
  • Open Source: Nostr is open to developers, allowing them to contribute, modify, and improve the protocol, fostering innovation and transparency.

The protocol’s decentralized nature means that it is less vulnerable to censorship and data manipulation, making it an appealing choice for those concerned about privacy and freedom of speech.

What’s the Relationship Between Nostr and Bitcoin?

Nostr and Bitcoin are both decentralized, open source systems that emphasize user sovereignty and resistance to censorship, but they serve different purposes. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that allows users to transfer value and store wealth without relying on traditional financial institutions. Nostr, on the other hand, focuses on decentralized communication and content distribution.

The relationship between Nostr and Bitcoin is primarily seen in their shared principles of decentralization and censorship resistance. Some users in the Bitcoin community have adopted Nostr for its ability to provide a censorship-resistant platform for discussing Bitcoin-related topics, sharing news, and building community. Additionally, Nostr and Bitcoin can complement each other in the context of contributing to a more open and user-controlled digital ecosystem.

Bitcoin is a natural fit for Nostr due to its decentralized nature. By integrating Bitcoin into the protocol, users can send and receive Bitcoin Lightning payments directly through Nostr messages. Additionally, Nostr can be used to create Bitcoin-based applications, such as decentralized exchanges and wallets.

Nostr Wallet Connect (NWC) takes this integration to the next level, allowing users to interact with Bitcoin through Nostr without needing a special-purpose wallet. With NWC, any Lightning wallet can be connected to a Nostr client, making it easier to send and receive payments without compromising privacy or security.

Imagine a world where your social media app, Nostr, interacts with your Bitcoin wallet seamlessly. You don’t need to switch wallets or use a custodial solution—NWC connects to whatever Lightning wallet software you’re already using. This makes integrating Bitcoin payments into the Nostr experience much smoother and more user-friendly, supporting a decentralized ecosystem where communication and financial transactions coexist effortlessly.

Nostr and Bitcoin Difference

While both Nostr and Bitcoin champion decentralization, they operate in distinct domains:

  • Purpose: Bitcoin is a digital currency designed for financial transactions and wealth storage, whereas Nostr is a communication protocol aimed at enabling decentralized social interactions and content sharing.
  • Technology: Bitcoin uses blockchain technology to record and verify financial transactions, while Nostr relies on a network of relays and cryptographic keys to facilitate secure and censorship-resistant communication.
  • Use Cases: Bitcoin is used for transferring value, investment, and as a store of wealth. Nostr is used for decentralized communication, social networking, and content distribution.

In summary, Bitcoin addresses financial needs through a decentralized currency, while Nostr addresses communication needs through a decentralized protocol.

Bitcoin Wallets for Nostr

While Nostr does not require a specific type of Bitcoin wallet, you need wallets compatible with Nostr-related services. For instance, you need a wallet that has a persistent address like a Lightning address wallet, not like Muun wallet, whose Lightning invoices expire.

Some popular Bitcoin wallets suitable for zapping on Nostr include:

Bitcoin Apps Built on Nostr

Several Bitcoin applications are built on Nostr. These applications showcase the versatility of Nostr in enhancing Bitcoin-related activities and services through decentralized communication. Some examples include:

Nostr Apps

Nostr has gained traction among developers looking to build open and user-controlled applications. Several apps have been built directly on Nostr, while others have integrated it to leverage its decentralized features. Below are some notable apps utilizing Nostr:

If you’re a Nostr user, follow our notes using this PubKey: npub1spdczwfyfnrfumexy8kcnt8xk88pqknwhupw68mke7nlpq33szcqaa2wjq.


Nostr is a powerful, decentralized communication protocol with the potential to revolutionize how we communicate and interact online. Its integration with Bitcoin opens up new opportunities for secure, censorship-resistant financial transactions and micropayments. As more developers build applications on top of Nostr, its potential use cases will continue to expand, making it an exciting technology to watch in the years to come.

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