OpenSats: Grants for Bitcoin Projects

OpenSats is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides funding for free and open source projects related to Bitcoin, as well as educational and research initiatives in this field.



OpenSats is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports Bitcoin-related free and open source projects, as well as related education and research initiatives. The non-profit organization provides bitcoin grants with no management fees to a variety of contributors, including developers, designers, researchers, educators, and reviewers. Donors can direct their contributions to specific project areas or to the general fund.

How OpenSats works

Free and open source projects related to Bitcoin, including those that help Bitcoin thrive and reach its full potential, can apply to be listed on the OpenSats website by submitting an application. Additionally, those involved in free and open source Bitcoin initiatives can apply for funding from OpenSats general fund by submitting an application here.

Funding opportunities are announced annually, subject to the availability of funding. Projects that align with OpenSats mission statement are encouraged to apply. Board members evaluate each application based on technical merit, potential impact, and the team’s ability to execute. To be eligible for donations, projects must be free and open source and related to Bitcoin or an ancillary technology (such as Tor) that helps support the use of Bitcoin.

OpenSats connects donors with free and open source contributors through a catalog of carefully reviewed and vetted projects. Donors can browse the catalog and suggest donations to the projects of their choice, or they can choose to contribute to a general fund that distributes bitcoin grants to qualified and vetted grant applicants on a quarterly basis. Being a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all gifts and donations are tax-deductible.

OpenSats accepts both fiat and bitcoin donations. Fiat donations will be converted to bitcoin, and all grants will be given to free and open source projects and grant recipients in bitcoin. OpenSats distributes 100 percent of all contributions it receives.

No donations will be used by the organization unless the donor SPECIFICALLY donates to our operational fund, which can be done using this link. These funds will be used to cover our general operational expenses like legal, accounting, and payment processing fees, as well as to pay the salary of our managing director. So far these operational expenses have been covered by a few generous donors, and we hope to continue to find donors to cover these costs so we can ensure 100% passthrough of platform donations to Bitcoin and free and open source contributors.

In addition to applying for funding, free and open source projects that align with the mission of OpenSats are welcome to apply to be listed on the organization’s website. All applications that meet the necessary criteria will be evaluated by the board. Upon board approval, the projects will be featured on the OpenSats project portal for one year (you can reapply after one year). Donors will be able to contribute funds and recommend that the OpenSats board allocate their donations towards these pre-approved projects.

Criteria for bitcoin grants

Criteria for projects to be approved are the following:

  • Bitcoin. Projects that will have a direct impact on the utility or adoption of Bitcoin. Potential projects include Bitcoin Core contributions, scientific/security research, code review, design/UX improvements, etc.
  • Free and Open Source. OpenSats supports free and open-source software, tools, and contributors that enhance Bitcoin and help it reach its full potential. Potential areas of focus include secure messaging, merchant acceptance tools, and layer two protocols, among others.
  • Education and Mentorship. OpenSats values education and mentorship, and expects funded contributors and projects to be willing to share their knowledge and experience with the broader community.

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Bitcoin Only

Year Launched



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